How to read the word of God

Boy reading the holy bible


Studying the word of God can be a delightful, heart-lifting and rewarding experience. The bible verse from Joshua chapter 1 vs 8, tells us that we should spend some quality time in reading the bible. This is to enable us improve our psychological absorption of the instructions laid out by God Almighty.

Herein, is an expansion of the aforementioned verse, highlighting this biblical principle, as lifted from one of the instructions spoken by God to Joshua.

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." - Joshua 1:8 (New International Version)

In this verse, God is ultimately letting us know that we should read his word (the holy bible), very carefully to enable us practice his commandments of love more consciously.  

Note: God's word is inclusive of the old testament and the new testament books, which starts from Genesis, and ends in Revelation. 

The word of God is meant to be read with assimilation, at the fore-front of the entire bible-studying objective. It should be read slowly, and at the rate at which, one can have full understanding of the; terminologies, emotional tone and context of the bible chapter or verse.

Also, by practicing a not-too-speedy reading pattern, you will be able to a develop better mental picture of what you are actually reading. 

A thorough study of a lone sentence of a verse in the holy bible is of better cognitive benefit than a skimming of multiple chapters. A Qualitative reading of the scriptures is of more value, than a quantitative reading, with little rational grip of concepts.

Meditation of the word of God, of course, is the conduit through which God speaks to the world!

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