The Supremacy Of God

 In the course of  a church service, i was called upon to share the gospel of Christ for the first time in my life, with a congregation of the people of God. I had spent a couple of hours going through the bible on what i could possibly discuss with my friends, neighbours and my fellow local ministry congregants, concerning the work of God in our lives. However, God had a serious business goal, to encourage his people in the cool evening of the day of that year, 2008. Wow! it dawned on me that i had just a few minutes left to prepare and get ready for the time allotted to me to encourage others with God's word, and i still hadn't come up with an idea of what to speak on. That's where i let the Lord Jesus Christ take over, by saying a short prayer to Jesus, to use me for his glory. I immediately had clarity in understanding God's word. 

It ultimately was Ezekiel 37 versus 1-28, that got preached that faithful day. The importance of this chapter of the bible should not be overlooked, as it  cannot be overemphasized, it is an indication of the manner in which all of humanity, particularly how the dead in Christ will respond, to the physical appearance of "the resurrection and the life", the Son of God; Jesus Christ himself, after he makes a loud command for the dead to awake from their state of sleep" explained in Revelations 20:11-14. Ezekiel 37 tells of a vision of many dry bones which came back to life by the sovereign power of God.

In a nutshell, it is a chapter of the bible, which is of importance to God's creations, by inference, that a day has been appointed by God, in which every human will be judged by him, according to what they have done.

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